Below are some of the issues not in any particular order, Many of the people who are opposed to the Annexation and development in South Ozark by Property Owners: Tony & Roma Evans Trust, Roma Evans Trust; Tony & Roma Evans, Trustees; Tony & Roma Evans; Elk Creek Investors LLC; Natural Bridge LLC; Stone Meadow LLC; Stone Meadow LLC Location: 2000 – 3170 Block South 6th Ave
- Lack of plan. The Ozark Planning and Zoning Board at their meeting say they have no plan for the land. If they are the planning and zoning, should they not have a plan in place before annexing it? The Selmore road area is planned to be rezoned from A1 General Agricultural District to R1- D zoning Single Family District.
- Loss of Historic Beauty and farmlands. Ozark is traditionally a farming community, it is part of the heritage and history this community has long been a part of. The popularity of the farmer’s market downtown and the OC both attest to how important farming is too many families. Likewise the land has been used for many years as a place for ranchers to grass their cattle. The rolling hills and valleys provide a beautiful backdrop with their trees and tall grasses.
- Loss of a prehistoric land bridge located on the properties to be annexed. Even if preserved and developed around, the land bridge would be exposed to vandals and those who do not have respect for natural beauty and history.
- Near the edge of the property to be annexed is an old covered bridge, there are only 4 covered bridges in the entire state of Missouri. It is in need of restoration and salvage, homes developed near its location would open it up to vandals.
- Environmentally, there are several issues. Hawks, eagles, wild turkeys and other wildlife live on the land to be annexed as well as aquatic life in the various ponds and the creek that flows through it.
- The creek itself is in danger of being polluted by toxins flowing from yards of homeowners using fertilizer and pesticides.
- The runoff into the stream is a huge concern for cattle ranchers and farmers whose livestock drink from the stream further down.
- Noise and Light pollution.
- Increased littering and trash on the streets.
- Potentially a habitat for endangered wildlife, vegetation and aquatic life.
- Tax increases via property taxes. The larger the population of a city, the higher the property taxes are to help pay for schools and other improvements.
- Unsightly, neighborhoods. In an area of near 400 acres with a developer known to squeeze n 5 houses per acre, it just does not fit in with the historical preservation of the community.
- Increased traffic on roadways that were just expanded enough to accommodate the current traffic the area currently has.
- Lowered property values. When a large number of quickly built homes are put in a small area, it quickly diminishes the values of the homes not just near it but in the entire city. Home values are based on location and inventory. Increased inventory upsets the balance of supply and demand and reduces everyone’s home value residing within the city limits.